We are Marching to Zion

"We Are Marching to Zion" is a classic Christian hymn written by Isaac Watts, an English Baptist minister and hymn writer in 1707. He drew inspiration particularly from the Psalms and the book of Hebrews.

Over time, the hymn has been set to various melodies, but the most well-known tune is probably the one composed by Robert Lowry in the 19th century. Today, "We Are Marching to Zion" remains a beloved hymn in many Christian traditions, sung in churches, choirs, and gatherings around the world.

As you ponder over the lyrics, may you be inspired to fix your gax on the heavenly goal!

1 Come, ye that love the Lord,

And let your joys be known

Join in a song with sweet accord

And thus surround the throne, 

We’re marching to Zion

Beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We’re marching upward to Zion,

The beautiful city of God.

2. Let those refuse to sing

Who never knew our God;

But children of the heavenly King 

Must speak their joys abroad 

3. The hill of Zion yields

A thousand sacred sweets,

Before we reach the heavenly fields

Or walk the golden streets

4. Then let our songs abound,

And every tear be dry;

We’re marching through

Emmanuel’s ground 

To fairer worlds on high 

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)

Remain inspired!


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