Dreams Come True

 "...what the righteous desire will be granted." (Proverbs 10:24)

On a day like this on August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The speech is considered one of the most powerful and influential speeches in American history.

The speech called for an end to racism and segregation, and advocated for civil rights and equality for African Americans. It helped to galvanize the Civil Rights Movement and paved the way for landmark legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

This is a powerful contemporary reminder that godly dreams do come true, and that what the righteous desire will indeed be granted. 

Someone once said, "Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream."

A dream is a mental picture of a desirable future. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. dreamt of an end to racial segregation in the US, you can also dream about a big change in your life, community, or sphere of influence. As you take steps towards its fulfillment it will surely manifest.

God has promised us that if we open our mouths wide (through our imagination), He will fill it.

"I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it." (Psalms 81:10)

Therefore, dare to conceive a dream, believe in it, and you will achieve it!

Remain inspired!


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