The Fruit of the Spirit is Kindness

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…” (Galatians 5:22)

Today, we move on to the fifth characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit which is kindness. Kindness is a characteristic of God's nature and a trait that He desires to see in His children.

Kindness is a personal concern for the joy and wellbeing of others. It involves a willingness to give to others, a feeling of compassion for those in need, and understanding and sharing the feelings of others.

In order to practise kindness, we must look for opportunities to serve others, show compassion and empathy towards those in need, speak words of encouragement and support, be generous with your time, resources, and talents, and forgive and show mercy to those who wrong you.

When we practise kindness, it comes back to us in multiple folds and in diverse ways. Hence the saying, “Givers never lack.” Kindness is a virtue that is universally appreciated irrespective of race, religion, etc. Mark Twain once said, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

As we cultivate kindness, we become more like Christ and demonstrate His love to those around us. Go ahead and sow an act of kindness today, and never forget that kind people are the best kind of people. 

Remain inspired!


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