The Fruit of the Spirit is Self Control

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:23)

Today, we look at the concluding characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit which is self control.

Self-control is the ability to regulate one's emotions, desires, and actions, aligning them with God's will and principles. It involves exercising moderation, restraint, personal discipline, perseverance, and wisdom in decision-making.

Cultivating self-control leads to a more Christ-like character, enabling us to resist temptation, overcome sinful habits, demonstrate humility, show love and compassion, and ultimately glorify God in our lives.

The opposite of self control is to allow our fleshly nature to run wild without any constraints. The end result of that is regrettable actions and decisions.

This is a good conclusion to the lesson of the fruit of the Holy Spirit because we cannot possibly claim fullness of the Spirit if we lack the ability to keep our fleshly inclinations in check.

Jesus demonstrated self control in the wilderness by resisting the devil's temptations (Matthew 4:1-11). Joseph resisted Potiphar's wife's sexual advances, prioritizing his integrity (Genesis 39:7-12). Daniel and his friends refused to compromise their convictions even on a foreign land (Daniel 1:18-21). Your self control shall also be tempted several times.

Apostle Paul compared self control to an athlete's discipline (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). It will therefore take self control to strive to win the spiritual race.

May we continue to grow in self-control, relying on the Holy Spirit's guidance and empowerment!

Remain inspired!


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