Zeal Without Knowledge

“For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge.” (Romans 10:2)

Zeal without knowledge is a dangerous thing. It's just like speeding in the wrong direction. The renowned English Presbyterian Minister and Bible Commentator, Matthew Henry, once said, "Zeal without knowledge is like a sword in a madman's hand.”

During Paul's time, many Jews were zealous for the law and traditions, but rejected Jesus as the Messiah. Paul argues that their zeal is misguided because it's not grounded in a correct understanding of God's plan.

Paul is talking from experience. Before his conversion, he was a zealous Pharisee who persecuted early Christians, believing he was serving God (Acts 8:1-3, 9:1-2). His passion for his faith led him to commit terrible acts, but once he encountered Jesus and gained knowledge, he became a powerful apostle for the Gospel.

As we read about Paul and the Israelites, we must bear in mind that we may well encounter similar situations in our everyday lives. 

Do we gather enough information about issues before we dive into actions and decisions? Do we balance passion with knowledge and ensure that our zeal is tempered with a deep understanding of issues?

May God help us not to become victims of zeal without knowledge. Instead, may we study to show ourselves approved.

Remain inspired!


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