Captain of Israel’s Host

Charles Wesley wrote the hymn "Captain of Israel's Host" in 1742, during a time of spiritual revival in England. The hymn was inspired by Joshua 5:13-15, where Joshua encounters the "Captain of the host of the Lord."

The hymn's lyrics reflect Wesley's emphasis on God's sovereignty, trust in God's guidance, and dependence on God's strength. When life's path gets so puzzling, and our inner strength and sense of direction seems to wane, we can trust the Captain of our host. Be inspired as you brood over the lyrics of this powerful hymn.

1. Captain of Israel’s host, and guide

Of all who seek the land above,

Beneath Thy shadow we abide

The cloud of Thy protecting love

Our strength, thy grace 

Our rule, Thy word

Our end, the glory of the Lord

2. By thine unerring spirit led,

We shall not in the desert stray;

We shall not full direction need,

Nor miss our providential way

As far from danger, as from fear

While love, Almighty love is near.

3. We’ve no abiding city here

But seek a city out of sight

Thither our steady course we steer

Aspiring to the plains of light

Jerusalem the saints’ abode

Whose founder is the Living God

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.” (Psalm 28:7)

Remain inspired!


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