Leadership is Service

“...Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” (Mark 10:43)

Leading by serving, also known as servant leadership, is a leadership approach where leaders prioritize serving others, empowering them, and putting their needs first.

Jesus led by serving others in many ways, demonstrating humility, compassion, and love. Here are some examples:

1. Washing the disciples' feet (John 13:1-17): Jesus showed humility and servanthood by washing his disciples' feet, teaching them to serve one another.

2. Healing and caring for the sick (Matthew 9:35, Mark 1:40-42): Jesus demonstrated compassion and empathy by healing and caring for those suffering physically and emotionally.

3. Feeding the hungry (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44): Jesus showed concern for people's physical needs by feeding the hungry and providing for those in need.

4. Teaching and guiding (Matthew 5-7, Mark 10:1-31): Jesus taught valuable lessons and guided his followers, empowering them to grow and learn.

5. Sacrificing himself (John 15:13, Romans 5:8): Ultimately, Jesus led by serving through the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life for humanity's redemption.

Jesus' leadership by service inspires us to put others first, show humility and compassion, empower and guide others, meet people's spiritual, physical and emotional needs, and sacrifice for the greater good.

By following Jesus' example, we can lead with a servant's heart, making a positive impact on those around us.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)

Remain inspired!


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