Virtuous Leadership

It is interesting and heartwarming to notice that many modern leadership theories are tilting towards biblical principles.

Sig Berg, the Chairman and founder of the Seven Leadership Group, has published a book on leadership this year entitled, The Virtue Proposition. He argues in his book that traditional leadership approaches lack an emphasis on virtues and consistently fail to deliver consistently superior results. He advocates instead for virtuous leadership grounded in love, integrity, truth, excellence, and relationships.

Virtuous leaders lead by example, foster a positive and inclusive culture, make decisions based on principles and not personal gain, prioritize the wellbeing of their teams, cultivate trust and transparency, empower others to grow, and leave a lasting positive impact.

It is no accident that over ninety percent of the requirements for leadership in Apostle Paul's pastoral letters (the letters to Timothy and Titus) are centered on character. This is the tried and tested foundation for successful leadership. This kind of leadership creates an empowering environment for teams to succeed.

If you find yourself in any leadership capacity, remember that you have led people well if they grow under your leadership. This can be achieved through virtuous leadership. 

"Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach." (1 Timothy 3:2)

Remain inspired!


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