Recipe for Success

"Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life." (Proverbs 22:4)

An excessive sense of self-importance and self-satisfaction has become the order of the day in our modern world. Far from being seen as objectionable, arrogance and vanity seem to be accepted as the norm.

Today, we want to learn about God's special recipe for us to succeed in this life. The ingredients are humility and the fear of God.

To be humble is to be willing to learn and grow. It is to avoid a bloated view of one's own importance. Therefore, the humble shall always increase, never thinking to themselves that they have arrived.

To fear the Lord is to have a deep reverence for God's wisdom and power. This translates into a respectable relationship with one's neighbors. We demonstrate the fear of God by upholding godly standards and a life of honesty and integrity.

With this combination of humility and the fear of God, we are assured wealth, honor and life. Wealth is not just limited to material riches but also includes a wealth of relationships and experiences.

Honor means to earn genuine respect from others. It is not just a pretentious show of respect in one's presence but honor is strong even in one's absence.

Life here is a life that is full and meaningful, not just in quantity but also in quality. One's life then becomes purposeful, fulfilling and a blessing. As we aspire to succeed in life, may we endeavor to pursue a life of humility and the fear of the Lord.

Remain inspired!


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