Eight Lessons on Marriage

To the extent that life teaches us through our experiences, circumstances and interactions, it remains a school - a place to learn and never to graduate. It seems to me that a special class where learning about self and others is more intense is the place called Marriage.

As today marks my eighth anniversary in marriage, it's my privilege to share with you eight lessons I have picked up in this class.

1. Acceptance is better than perfection. We must not fall prey to the illusion of perfection. Accept your spouse for who they are.

2. Humility is better than pride. Marriage has a way of stripping us bare, and if we yield to its treatment, it breaks and molds us into better people. Being full of yourself to the extent of having no room to accommodate the ideas and interests of your partner is a recipe for constant misunderstanding. 

3. Self control is better than damage control. Self control is the principal sign of maturity. The inability to control oneself will invariably lead to regrettable utterances and actions.

4. Choose to love. Enduring love is intentional, anchored against the ebbs and flows of emotional instability.

5. Laugh together often. We must learn to play, be intimate, and each other's best friend.

6. Apologize quickly, forgive quickly. Holding on to grudges only creates an ever-widening emotional distance. 

7. Be a team. Winning together is better than winning alone. With openness, honesty and effective communication, we can win together as a team!

8. Celebrate your blessings. Cherish the upsides of your marriage and be grateful. No matter the challenges, there are many things to be thankful for.

Which one of the eight was your favorite? I hope these lessons will spur you on to keep on learning in this class called Marriage. If you're yet to tie the knot, know that you have my best wishes.

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." (Ephesians 5:31)

Remain inspired!


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