Embrace Your Identity

Trying to become like someone else will always be fraught with an inconvenient difficulty because you are naturally wired to be unique.

You have a unique DNA to mean you are a brand new, originally-signed product of God. 

Your unique iris and ears mean you should feel free to see and hear things differently from everyone else. Your unique fingerprint means you should be at liberty to handle things differently from everyone else.

Your distinct voice should give you the confidence to address issues in your own unique way.

You are strong in your own way because God has given you a unique set of abilities. We all have the responsibility of harnessing our strength to the benefit of the world around us.

Nia Jax was definitely on point when he said, "Your uniqueness is what makes you special, and that is beautiful."

As you start a new week today, embrace your identity knowing that you are the first and last of your type.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalms 139:14)

Remain inspired!


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