Enjoy the Moment

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalms 118:24)

Susie Moore, a life coach and personal development expert, in her book, Stop Checking Your Likes, admonished: "Happiness isn’t a product of success; rather, success is more likely to follow from a happy state of mind."

Susie further recommends, "Embrace happiness in the here and now, recognizing that life doesn’t start at some future milestone – it’s happening right now!"

Susie's exhortation doesn't fall far from the Psalmist's declaration in the text cited above.

Today is a day made by God for you - it's God's gift to you. Waiting for a certain turn of events in the future to give you joy is a sure way of missing a happy life.

Of course, this does not mean everything is perfect today. All your dreams may not yet have been realized. But the gift of today offers you the opportunity to inch closer to the achievement of your dreams, therefore relish it.

Do not permit the anxiety of tomorrow to take away from the blessedness of today as tomorrow will forever be in the future, whilst today ever remains with you.

Take a conscious decision to enjoy your life each day at a time. Enjoy the moment because the present moment is a present for you to enjoy.

The wise King Solomon put it this way:

"The best thing we can do is to enjoy eating, drinking, and working. I believe these are God's gifts to us." (Ecclesiastes 2:24)

Remain inspired!


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