Forgiveness is a Choice



Forgiveness is a Choice

Offences are bound to come our way as certainly as our shadows are bound to follow us. We are surrounded by imperfect human beings who will definitely rub us in the wrong way at certain points in time. The mark of a beautiful heart is the ability to forgive and move on.

To forgive is to acknowledge the humanity of our offenders and to lower the standard of expectations we have placed on them.

Forgiveness is a choice in that it is an act of love. We need not feel it. We need not postpone forgiveness until the memory of the hurt fades from our conscious thoughts. It is a decision to be taken - an act of the will.

It is more blessed to forgive than to hold grudges because the latter leads to bitterness, and bitterness crushes the spirit. 

The recipe for a healthy emotional life is to be anxious for nothing. Think about the things that build you up. Give thanks and be joyful. Always have positive thoughts no matter what comes your way.

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32)

Remain inspired!


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