Everyone Can Give
Everyone Can Give
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10)
Everyone of us has something to offer. All it takes to give is to have. And as stewards of God's grace, we each have a gift from God - a special ability to do something. Our charge is to serve one another with this gift.
No one is 'giftless', therefore no one has nothing to give. The realization of this should make us look deep within and fetch out the good deposits of divinely bestowed potentials and serve our world with it.
The more we give of ourselves, the more successful we become, and life becomes more meaningful. The benefit of giving ourselves may not come immediately but it surely will.
Do not hold back. Neither doubt your ability to give because everyone can give.
Remain inspired!
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