Remember the Sabbath Day (Part 4)

"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy." (Exodus 20:8)

Today, we shall draw down the curtain on our study of the fourth commandment. 

So far, we have looked at both the spiritual and physical implications of the Sabbath. Firstly, we have learnt that Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath - through Him we enter into the rest of God.

Physically, we have also learnt that observing a seventh day of rest after every six days of work is more important than debating how superior a particular day is to the rest of the days of the week.

We shall wrap up now with some advantages of observing a day of rest every week.

1 Spiritually, we become more receptive when we limit our stress levels. Too much pace hugely affects our ability to tap into divine inspiration and guidance.

2. Creativity heightens when we periodically take a break from the pressure of everyday work.

3. Observing a day of rest hugely reduces our stress levels and the likelihood of depression.

4. We are better positioned to take stock of the past week and plan effectively for the week ahead when we observe a day of rest.

5. According to Medical News Today, "During rest days, the body has a chance to remove excess lactate from the muscles. This helps to alleviate muscle pain and soreness."

You may have realized how our overall well being is enhanced by the physical observation of the Sabbath day of rest.

If you have forgotten all about this commandment and have your life hijacked by the pressures of this life, I admonish you to "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy."

Remain inspired!


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