The Resurrection and the Life

We thank God for a wonderful Easter season. As we exit this special period of the year, let's pick a few lessons from one of the most profound statements Jesus made about His power over death.

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?'" (John 11:25-26)

Resurrection means rising from the dead, thus, overcoming death. Whereas life means the avoidance of death. Jesus says He is both. 

If you pay close attention to the passage above, you will notice two kinds of experiences. The first gets to experience death and overcomes it. To such people, Jesus is the resurrection. The second does not get to experience death at all. To them, Jesus is the life.

The key point here is that Jesus has power over death whether or not you get to experience it. Herein lies spiritual maturity. 

To the person who dies before experiencing the intervention of Jesus and to the one who is exempted from death, Jesus is the Lord of both.

Do not despair if you seem to be going through certain hardships that your fellow Christians do not get to experience. Do not doubt God's presence with you simply because you seem to be the only one experiencing "death" whereas other believers around you are exempted. Jesus is still the Lord of your life. Keep your faith alive. He is both the resurrection and the life!

Remain inspired!


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