Love Always Perseveres

“It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:7)

The seventh verse of 1 Corinthians 13 focuses on the four things love ALWAYS does, and the final of them is that it always perseveres. Perseverance is a very strong word. It refers to the sustaining, remaining, enduring, persistent nature of love.

In most cases, time is the best examiner of virtues. With time, the true quality of all human virtues is tested. The one that lasts, remains, and is sustained is the one that is genuine. As time passes, good moments and bad ones may take their turn, laughter may come and go, emotions may swing to and fro, but true love will linger.

Perseverance also means to continue in spite of challenges and obstacles. Love that has not faced any difficulty cannot be described as persevering. That is why in most wedding vows, the couple are made to confess to each other: “for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.”

Some people, in their ignorance of the nature of love, try to change the wedding vows to exclude all negative words. But true love is indeed for the better and also for the worse. May God help us to cultivate love that perseveres.

Remain inspired!


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