Life is Continuous

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” (Genesis 8:22)

During our University days, there was this friend who contested for a position in the school. He lost painfully to another person after the results were declared. Our friend was distraught. Before we could say jack, he was about to contest for another position. To our utter surprise, we asked him how he could so quickly move on in life. His response was: “Life is continuous.”

We found his statement initially amusing, but upon further reflection, it ministered to me and sank deep in my heart. Life is indeed continuous. One season of life quickly flows into the next, and as the seasons change, so we must flow with them.

As the earth remains, the seasons of life will never cease. Similarly, as your life remains, the seasons of your life will never cease. There is no pause or break in life. This calls for wisdom.

A period of failure and difficulty can easily be followed by a season of victory if we keep on moving. In the same way, a moment of success can be trailed by failure if we get complacent.

The fact that life is continuous calls for consistent efforts, vigilance and diligence at all times and in all our endeavors. May you have a blessed new week!

Remain inspired!


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