The Spirit of Wisdom

“The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him--the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” (Isaiah 11:2)

The second of the seven Spirits of God is the Spirit of wisdom. Charles Spurgeon defined wisdom as “the right use of knowledge.” As the Spirit of wisdom, the Holy Spirit endows us with discernment, insight, revelation, prudence and guidance. Thus, the Holy Spirit influences the way we think and process issues. 

When we are filled with the Spirit of wisdom, we have clarity of thought, sound judgment, creative solutions, effective decision making, and godly counsel.

It was by wisdom that King Solomon judged rightly between the two prostitutes (1 Kings 3:16-28). It was by wisdom that Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream and offered practical guidance to avert a pending famine (Genesis 41:15-41). This was what Pharaoh said in response to Joseph’s direction:

So Pharaoh asked them, "Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?" (Genesis 41:38)

Thus, Pharaoh acknowledged the Spirit of wisdom at work in Joseph. By the Spirit of wisdom, Joseph served as a transformational leader in Egypt. The same can be said of Daniel in the land of Babylon (Daniel 2:19-49).

We can cultivate the Spirit of wisdom through prayer (James 1:5), meditating on Scripture (Psalm 119:130), learning from godly counsel (Proverbs 11:14), and surrendering to God’s will (Romans 12:1-2).

May we be filled with the Spirit of wisdom that we may discern God's will, live according to His plans, and solve practical problems around us.

Remain inspired!


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