Let The Weak Say I Am Strong

“Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.” (Joel 3:10)

The Prophet Joel made this prophetic declaration after the southern kingdom of Israel (Judah) had suffered a locust plague as well as several incursions from foreign nations around them. It was also a time that the people of Israel had deeply fallen into spiritual decay, idolatry and all sorts of vices against the law of God.

The people of God had therefore been weakened spiritually, economically, and politically. The Prophet was calling upon them to repent lest a great calamity looms. To those who return to their God, there is hope for restoration. 

Prophet Joel, thus, emphasizes God’s ability to turn weakness into strength. The weak and feeble are encouraged to declare their strength, not based on physical ability, but on God's power. Saying “I am strong” is an act of faith, trusting God’s promise to restore and empower.

It does not matter what makes you feel weak today or in which area of your life you feel weak, or whether you have been weakened all round like the Israelites. There is hope for restoration and strength for you. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations of God's strength. Emphasize your strength, knowing God has gifted you. And ask God to manifest His strength in your life.

Then, you will declare like Paul did: 

“...When I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Remain inspired!


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