Walking in Space

On this day in 1984, Svetlana Yevgenyevna Savitskaya, a Russian cosmonaut (currently 74 years and still alive), became the first woman to walk in space.

Her story is an interesting one. She started by parachuting. At the age of 16, she had begun parachuting whilst her parents were unaware. By the time she turned 22, she had over 400 parachute jumps to her credit.

Eventually, she began to participate and win in the World Aerobatic Championships. Svet went on to grab an engineering degree from Moscow Aviation Institute and, at last, qualified to fly. She kept on excelling in her role and setting new records in speed and altitude.

Her bravery and excellence paved many ways for her until she got selected to join the Soviet space program in 1980. In total, Svet has spent 19 days, 17 hours and 6 minutes in space throughout her career.

The lesson here is that if you master the discipline of doing the seemingly small things very well,the small opportunities will eventually grow into bigger ones, and ultimately, you will find yourself doing the great things you dreamed of.

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Remain inspired!


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