Abide Under His Anointing

"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth." (1 John 2:20)

The Holy Spirit is God's anointing. The purpose of the anointing is to supernaturally equip us for our divine assignment. Without Him, we cannot accomplish God's will, though we can be busy doing a lot of things.

It's one thing to have the anointing. It's another thing to abide in it. To Abide in the anointing takes time in prayer, fasting, seeking the Lord and feeding on God's word as well as walking in holiness. May you be inspired by the following Pentecostal hymn to abide under His anointing to accomplish God's will for your life.

Abide under his anointing,

Abide under his control,

Abide under his anointing,

His presence upon your soul;

Just stay in the arms of Jesus

And thou shall be fully 


Abide under his anointing,

Abide under his control.

"As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you…" (1 John 2:27)

Remain inspired!


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