Toughness is Required!

"From the days of John the Baptizer until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matthew 11:12)

Toughness is required in this life. Life will come hard at you to test your resolve and your values. Therefore, you have to be tough.

Expecting life to be simple and easy, with your vision being easily achieved, people easily and readily understanding you, and all your efforts working out the way you intended them is an unrealistic expectation in life. On the contrary, life is tough and complex. Therefore, we must equally be tough and complex.

Henry Ward Beecher, the nineteenth century American clergyman mostly known for his support for the abolition of slavery, once said, "Men’s best successes come after their disappointments."

A tough skin is required to receive all sorts of feedback without breaking down or backing off. A tough mind is required to maintain one's focus in the midst of an avalanche of distractions. A tough, big heart is required to keep loving the people who keep rubbing you in the wrong way.

May you have enough strength to run the race and finish the assignment. 

Remain inspired!


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