Invest in the Confidence of Your Followers

We love those who believe in us! And the fact is, we work better and produce more results when we work under a leader who believes in our potential and capabilities.

We obey such leaders gladly and they bring out the best in us. At the end, we both benefit: we are able to help them accomplish their mission and they help us unearth our great potential.

I recently had a new boss who made a statement to me that I can hardly forget for the rest of my life. She said to me after my second meeting with her: "Joel, you are so knowledgeable. " To be frank, my head almost swell because I was hearing it from my boss. But that wasn't the main effect of her statement.

The main effect of her statement was that I found myself henceforth (maybe subconsciously) making it a point to live up to her faith in me. This made me more confident with my work and I realized I was increasing in productivity. This is what confidence in your followers can do to them.

Good leaders genuinely notice the great potential in their followers and they help them to believe it.

As you read the Bible you notice how God told people that he used great things about themselves that they initially struggled to believe. Later, these ordinary people did great things for God.

Examples of God investing in the confidence of His people:

~ God helped Moses to believe that he was a great leader while he saw himself as not eloquent enough to lead. (Exodus 4:10)

~ God helped Gideon to believe that he was a mighty man of valour while he saw himself to be insignificant (Judges 6:15)

~ God helped Jeremiah to believe that He was a great Prophet while he saw himself as a juvenile. (Jeremiah 1:6)

5 Ways to invest in the confidence of your followers:

1. Genuinely notice the positive qualities of your followers and tell them.

If you only notice and confess that your followers are not good for example, they will forever remain not good to you.

2. Respect your followers and demonstrate this respect in your words and actions towards them.

3. Accept them despite their weaknesses. Let them feel their strengths are greater because their strengths are indeed greater.

4. Give them responsibilities they feel are higher than them.

5. Involve them in decision making.

As we invest in the confidence of our followers, we will see much more results from them. May God bless our leadership! 


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