The Spirit of Counsel

“The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him--the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” (Isaiah 11:2)

Today, we shall learn about the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of counsel. The Hebrew word for counsel means advice, guidance, or plan. It can also refer to a consultation or a deliberation.

The word counsel is used in various contexts in Scripture such as the following:

  • Seeking guidance from God (Psalm 73:24)
  • Receiving counsel from wise advisors (Proverbs 24:6)
  • Plotting or scheming against others (Psalm 83:3)

When we engage the Holy Spirit, He gives us practical guidance in our everyday endeavours. As the inner witness, He prompts us of what to do, and directs us in our daily activities. Hence, the necessity to develop the habit of waiting upon the Lord daily before getting entangled with the business of the day.

Before embarking on any major project or taking any significant decision or step in life, it is greatly important to spend time in prayer. In those quiet moments, we will be blessed with divine guidance from the Spirit of counsel.

Jesus spent 40 days in fasting and prayers before starting His ministry (Matt. 4:1-2). He also spent a whole night in prayer before appointing the 12 Apostles (Luke 6:12-13). These should serve as an example for us to emulate.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of counsel. If we can often make time to consult and heed His voice, we shall be blessed always with divine guidance.

Remain inspired!


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