Use Your Head

The position of the head is not merely for aesthetic reasons. Its position is a clear message: it’s on top of your body so that if you use it adequately, you should be on top of your life.
5 Ways to Use Your Head to Get Ahead:
1.     Think to Plan: Most people just proceed to embark on important endeavors without properly planning ahead first. Can you imagine a pilot jumping into his seat and just flying the plane without a prior plan of where he’s going to land and whether there’s enough fuel to travel that far? This is a good idea of how calamitous an unplanned life is. Planning must be your first step in every venture.

2.    Think to Create: We must not be content with the things that already exist around us. We must think to know what new thing needs to be introduced to a process or an undertaking in our environment. What new things have you introduced to the activities that go on around you? It’s time to think to create. God has created us in His image to be as creative as He is. You have the power to let something be which used not to be. Think to create now. A society advances when new things are created.

3.    Think to Reform: It is necessary to always think about how to improve upon what we do. Continually doing the same things repeatedly without reforms is a sign that some thinking is not being done. People who think deeply about what they do often have new ideas of how things can be improved to yield greater results.

4.   Think to Connect: Thinking about what needs to be done will automatically lead you to connect strategically to certain people. Useless friendships are the result of poor thinking. The many things you have a burning desire to accomplish will join you up with people with key talents and skills that will be beneficial to your purpose.

5.   Think to Beautify: Beauty is a manifestation of creativity and plan. Anything that looks beautiful, being it one’s living room, personal appearance, office desk, etc., has been specially designed to look so. Beauty does not happen by chance; it’s planned and created. By default, many things will regress from beauty. It takes deliberate efforts and thoughtfulness to create beauty around you.
Exert the needed energy to use your head in the above ways and you will surely get ahead in your life!


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