Use Your Head
“USE YOUR HEAD” AND GET AHEAD The position of the head is not merely for aesthetic reasons. Its position is a clear message: it’s on top of your body so that if you use it adequately, you should be on top of your life. 5 Ways to Use Your Head to Get Ahead: 1. Think to Plan: Most people just proceed to embark on important endeavors without properly planning ahead first. Can you imagine a pilot jumping into his seat and just flying the plane without a prior plan of where he’s going to land and whether there’s enough fuel to travel that far? This is a good idea of how calamitous an unplanned life is. Planning must be your first step in every venture. 2. Think to Create: We must not be content with the things that already exist around us. We must think to know what new thing needs to be introduced to a process or an undertaking in our environment. What new things have you introduced to the activities that go on around you? It’s time to...