Work in Progress

"Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)

This is a solemn reminder that we are not there yet. God is still in the process of molding us into the image of His Son. We are all work in progress.

Don't be quick to write yourself or others off. Neither entertain complacency as though you have already attained it. Bear in mind that God is still working on all of us.

It was John C. Maxwell who once said, "Each one of us is a work in progress, with a mission and purpose to fulfill that is uniquely ours."

God is the potter and we are the clay. A potter starts to mold when he has an end product in mind. God already has our end in mind - a glorious and a victorious end.

As you humbly and eagerly yield yourself to the molding of God through His word, certain circumstances and the people He sends your way, you're definitely on your way to becoming God's beautiful product, carefully made for His glory.

"For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son…" (Romans 8:29)

Remain inspired!


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